Tuesday, August 11, 2009


I've been thinking a lot about how this all began back in the day and a few quotes come to mind.

In response to: What do you want to be when you grow up?
"A dancer... a BALLERINA dancer" Me, age 3

And then, there is this gem from a "paper" I wrote in the first grade (spelling corrected):
"When I grow up, I want to be a ballerina. If God does not want me to be one, I won't. I'll be whatever God wants me to be, even a missionary."

Yep, that's really exactly what it says. I was 6. Goes to show what a long and beautifully woven continuum all our lives are, I think. I see that even at 6, God was preparing me for just what was to come, not that I'm announcing any plans to go into foreign missions at the moment. :)

Thinking of those very earliest desires and dreams reminded me of a BIG reason I wanted to be a ballerina: The Sleeping Beauty. It has everything a six-year-old ballerina wannabe could want: Princess, Evil Fairy Queen, Fairies, and the Prince. It was my favorite Disney movie; we rented it every time we went to the movie store. I remember loving the first song in the movie. Perhaps you remember: "Hail to the king; hail to the queen; and hail to the Princess Aurora." I could not (and still can't... yes, we own it) understand the rest of the words. Of course, I did not learn until probably the next couple of years that the music from the movie is the score composed for the ballet version of the fairy tale. I still think that Prologue music is wonderful and catchy.

I performed in The Sleeping Beauty with PNB twice, and both times I was in the Prologue and was on stage during my favorite music. I was not, however, a fairy... I was a wet nurse and a court lady.... LAME. But, at least I got to be in an excellent production of my favorite ballet. Yes, it is my favorite ballet even though that is SO not cool of me. Don't worry; all my other favorites are Forsythe. *wink*

I'll have to do a post sometime about that last go in Beauty; it was pretty pathetic and sad. Symbolic in CRAPPY ways.

For now, consider this entry numero uno in the soundtrack listing of my ballet life.
1. Opening of the Prologue, The Sleeping Beauty. P.I. Tchaikovsky

On the horizon, Debbie Gibson, Electric Youth, Dave Matthews Band, Goo Goo Dolls, some Counting Crows, Death Cab for Cutie... oh yeah, get excited ;)


  1. I loved Sleeping Beauty, too, it was by far my favorite movie. There was something very melancholic, almost dark about it and that really fascinated me as a kid.

    Oddly enough, for Halloween I did not want to be Sleeping Beauty, I wanted to be the queen in the movie. Nevermind that I had the beautiful pink/blue Sleeping Beauty dress made for me. I was the QUEEN. She has a very little role, but heck, she's the queen which is better than the princess. That tells you what I was like as a child . . .

  2. eLECtric YOUTH! good times.
