Monday, September 14, 2009

A Teaser

I have MUCH more to say about my first day than what follows, but it was laundry day. Laundry day= movie night + folding.

All through this process, I've felt as if I have just been going through the motions. Not that I haven't been seriously considering each new step, it just hasn't felt real. Well, not until yesterday at about 12:30 in World Wrapps where I burst into tears. It finally struck me (and I mean STRUCK) that I really am dancing again. Lord willing, I'll be on a real stage with a real audience (this means YOU. Save the date: November 8th). I got so emotional about it all. I decided that it's like being pregnant again after a miscarriage. I'm thrilled, but I'm also still dealing with the sadness from what happened before and the fear that it could happen again.

There are many more layers to that bawling session held in the restaurant and our car yesterday, and I do want the chance to unpack them all. I seem to do that best via blogging, so you're in for a real treat ;). Now, I'm just eager to get to Silent Light, so I'll just say this one more thing: My husband was a wonderful, warm, strong, loving force for me yesterday, and he even drove me around the block to let me get all my sobs out before pulling it *somewhat* together to walk in the studio. BRENDAN ROCKS!!!


  1. Life is a bittersweet thing. I pray that you and Brendan will cherish and cling to each other even more as the years go by.
    I am blessed by your willingness to let God use your gift of dance, even though it breaks you in some ways.
    I've marked Nov. 8 on my calendar!
    X O, Laura
