Wednesday, September 23, 2009

2 Important Notices

1. I really want to do a post about dancing as a preggo... but I'm too tired from dancing and being preggo. So, stay tuned; I guess! I'm in week 9, and we got our first photo of little Snap on Tuesday.

2. THE SHOWS: November 14th and 15th. I'll do some kind of big party somewhere after the matinee on Sunday the 15th, and any reader of this blog is definitely invited :)... unless I don't know you and you're creepy ;). THESE DATES ARE A CORRECTION. Change your calendar from the 8th to the 15th.

Monday, September 14, 2009

A Teaser

I have MUCH more to say about my first day than what follows, but it was laundry day. Laundry day= movie night + folding.

All through this process, I've felt as if I have just been going through the motions. Not that I haven't been seriously considering each new step, it just hasn't felt real. Well, not until yesterday at about 12:30 in World Wrapps where I burst into tears. It finally struck me (and I mean STRUCK) that I really am dancing again. Lord willing, I'll be on a real stage with a real audience (this means YOU. Save the date: November 8th). I got so emotional about it all. I decided that it's like being pregnant again after a miscarriage. I'm thrilled, but I'm also still dealing with the sadness from what happened before and the fear that it could happen again.

There are many more layers to that bawling session held in the restaurant and our car yesterday, and I do want the chance to unpack them all. I seem to do that best via blogging, so you're in for a real treat ;). Now, I'm just eager to get to Silent Light, so I'll just say this one more thing: My husband was a wonderful, warm, strong, loving force for me yesterday, and he even drove me around the block to let me get all my sobs out before pulling it *somewhat* together to walk in the studio. BRENDAN ROCKS!!!

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Getting Started

Today I attended 4.5 hours of a 5 hour orientation for the company. It was a lovely time, really; though the nearly 2 hour long presentation/explanation of the Meyers-Briggs Type Indicator test and its applications was a wee bit tiring and tedious considering I studied the test ad nauseum in my program at the UW Business School. However, even that I thought was helpful. The directors show a real interest and dedication to lead a cohesive team, and I love that. They want us to know each other and work for open, honest communication. So cool and, I believe, not of this world.

It's such a far cry from my former experiences of being dumped in a bowl of fighting beta fish (who all want to be ALPHA... including me, honestly). I'm pretty sure that most company directors and even ballet school directors are not interested in helping the dancers get to know and understand where each other is "coming from." Though, I love the professionalism that is naturally bred into dancers at any quality school. We all managed to get along well enough just because we knew how we were expected to behave and only ever wanted to be noticed for our dancing... not our reputation as the bitchy one... although, some did rather enjoy that label. Still, we didn't have any kumbaya moments - except for a few really awkward, forced times. This stuff with 6th Day feels so much more authentic and comfortable.

One really great feature of honest communication and an attempt to understand each other is the safeguard it sets against gossip and slander. Although, those two are pretty slippery snakes that can slide under even the best of intentions. But, it does make sense that a company culture that encourages sharing of feelings in a healthy way naturally results in the discouragement of sharing in an unhealthy way i.e. complaining, gossiping etc. And, I gotta say, gossip is the bread and butter of a dancer's social life in the mainstream. No one will ever convince me otherwise. You know it's true.

All of this is just one more reason that I'm flabbergasted by this opportunity. Quality relationships and dancing? YAY! Although, I don't want to belittle any of the quality relationships I was blessed with from all my dancing days that I still enjoy. Shout out to you guys; and see you in October, Carla!

So, about only being there for 4.5 hours. Yeah, I'm a space cadet these days for reasons that will remain unmentioned a bit longer. I thought it started at 1... actually, I thought it started at 1:30, but I was shooting for 1 b/c I HATE being late. Well, at 12:15 I logged into my email to get directions; and, lo and behold, it started at NOON. Stupid, stupid, stupid!!! They were nice about it, but according to the printed agenda, I missed a lot of the good stuff.

My fear of lateness (yes, FEAR) stems back to ballet too. Mrs. Hess would scream in a harsh banshee voice at even 5 year old girls if they were late. Yeah, Mrs. Hess, I'm sure it's the 5 year old's fault that she's late to ballet class. That woman put the fear in me, and it is alive and well. I leave you with this bit of life coaching: Don't be a scary witch to little children; it messes them up.